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Medical technology manufacturer SOMNOmedics presents new product for anaesthesia: the NARCOguide

Randersacker, June 2024. SOMNOmedics AG recently launched its latest product for anaesthesia depth monitoring. The NARCOguide expands the product range for sleep diagnostics, neurology and cardiology to include another area [...]

ESH Annual Meetings 2024

Visit our booth #3 at the ESH Congress in Berlin, from May 31st to June 3rd, 2024, where we will be showcasing our latest cardiology solutions, including the ABPMpro and [...]

A tiny house in the vineyards of Randersacker

Sustainability and environmental protection are important to SOMNOmedics AG, and we do our best to focus on them in as many areas as possible. Our company building, located in the [...]

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