Randersacker, February 2024: SOMNOmedics GmbH has completed its transformation into a stock corporation (AG). The new legal form underscores the company’s development into a globally active manufacturer of diagnostic medical devices and creates optimal conditions for future growth.
The company’s mission is to provide innovative, high-quality diagnostic systems with increased relevance and ease of use, by implementing the latest technologies and developing new examination methods. These systems are used in clinical settings as well as in research. Using the know-how from sleep diagnostics, SOMNOmedics will progressively move into adjacent areas of medical diagnostics. The focus is on systems for continuous, non-invasive blood pressure measurement, diagnosis and treatment of neurological and psychiatric sleep disorders, depth of anesthesia monitoring and postoperative patient monitoring.
As early as August 2023, VIVISOL became the first minority shareholder with a strategic stake of 15%, further strengthening the link between sleep diagnostics and sleep therapy and expanding the two companies’ successful partnership in Europe. The company remains majority family owned under the leadership of the previous CEO and founder Dr. Gert Küchler. A large portion of the shares (50% – 1) are available to SOMNOmedics employees and management, international distributors and partners as well as interested customers. 25% of the shares will go directly to the newly established ANNE Foundation. The charitable foundation will focus primarily on promoting children’s health and education, animal welfare and research into sleep and cardiovascular diseases.
Stiftung. Die gemeinnützige Stiftung wird sich vorrangig in der Förderung der Gesundheit und Bildung von Kindern, im Tierschutz und in der Forschung in den Bereichen Schlaf und kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen engagieren.
Dr. Gert Küchler (Founder & CEO) commented: “The transformation reflects our growth strategy: Our goal is to extend our strong market position as the leading manufacturer of sleep diagnostics in Europe to the rest of the world and to develop diagnostic solutions for adjacent areas of medical diagnostics. SOMNOmedics will take a big step forward on its way to becoming a global diagnostics manufacturer.”
Julia Hartmann (Authorized Signatory) and Anja Groner (Head of International Sales) have been appointed to the Management Board of the newly founded stock corporation. The supervisory board consists of attorney Stephan Eichmann (Beisse & Rath, Fürth), Prof. Dr Andreas Patzak (Charité Berlin), Prof. Matthias Kunert (University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf) and Claudio Garbellini (Deputy CEO, SOL-Group).
The conversion to a stock corporation will not result in any changes for customers or employees. SOMNOmedics will continue to offer the same high quality and excellent service around the clock. Personnel capacities in the research & development department will be further expanded.
About SOMNOmedics
Since its founding in 2000 by Dr. Gert Küchler, SOMNOmedics has grown continuously over the past 24 years to become a market leader in sleep diagnostics and is active in around 70 countries worldwide. In 2023, SOMNOmedics GmbH had a turnover of approximately 25 million euros and employs approximately 140 people at its corporate headquarters in Randersacker, Germany.
Contact details:
SOMNOmedics AG
Am Sonnenstuhl 63 Tel.: +49 (0)931 3590940
D-97236 Randersacker