SOMNOwatch® plus


  • The SOMNOwatch Plus wearable actigraph.
    The SOMNOwatch Plus wearable actigraph.


Our SOMNOwatch® plus encases a digital triaxial accelerometer, ambient light sensor and event marker. Its small, easy to use and offers long recording times. Combined with additional modules, the SOMNOwatch ™ plus can also be used flexibly as a 1-channel long-term EEG, long-term ECG, respiratory screener or PLM recorder.


7 Internal Channels

Body Position/Movement (seperate acc for 3 axis), Ambient light, patient marker with acoustic tone


Research Grade Sensors

With programable software allowing extensive customisation

High sampling rates

Sampling at 256/32 Hz

Data Compression for long recording times

Allowing up to 25 day study duration’s

1 Channel with up to 8 Different Sensors available

inc BP, Resp, 6 channel EEG, and much much more.

Double Plot & Raster View

Over the complete measurement day by day – double plot for improved circadian analysis


Powerful, miniaturised, multi channel recorder

The SOMNOwatch® plus is a powerful, miniaturised, multi channel recorder which is as comfortable and user-friendly as a watch.

As any multi-channel system, the SOMNOwatch™ plus can replace several devices while providing excellent signal quality.

SOMNOwatch® Plus Technical Highlights

  • High resolution
  • 7 Internal channels
  • High Signal-to-Noise ratio
  • 2 color LED for better communication
  • Piezo tone generator built in (programmable)
  • 64 MB Storage capacity
  • Long recording time (up to 25 days)
  • Up to 8 different external sensors available.
  • Data Compression Mode

Tremor Analysis

The high frequency acquisition of movement data enables the SOMNOwatch® plus to make a very accurate frequency analysis using FFT. The recording of tremor intensity and tremor frequency can be achieved over a long period of time. This parameter can be used for the medical diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Analysis Software

  • Programmable, delayed auto start
  • Spectral Analysis to detect tremor
  • Easy determination of Frequency and Intensity in the Tremor Spectrum
  • Fast results output in a tabular or graphical format
  • Export to Microsoft EXCEL
Intentional tremor < 5 Hz in the FFT-Analysis of the x-axis

Intentional tremor < 5 Hz in the FFT-Analysis of the x-axis

PLM / RLS Recorder

Applied to the ankle, the SOMNOwatch® plus can continuously record Leg Movement for up to 5 nights. It can differentiate between the standing and lying position by using the integrated position sensor. With adjustable parameters, the software automatically recognizes PLM movement patterns and evaluates the PLM index. For RLS-rating (Restless Leg Syndrome) the Motor activity is quantified.

For an extended diagnosis the correlation of PLMs and Cortical Micro Arousals can be detected by using the EEG Derivation (optional).

For the detection of PLM on both legs, an external movement sensor can be fixed to the second leg, and work simultaneously with the SOMNOwatch® plus.

The SOMNOwatch® plus is validated for the detection of periodic leg movements*.

*Benes H. at all, Validation of the new actigraphy system SOMNOwatch® for the measurement of periodic leg movements, 2. Weltkongress der Schlafmedizin (WASM), Bangkok (Thailand), 2007.

For one or both legs with external sensor (EMG/Act.) and automatic PLM detection and report as well as automatic correlation for both legs.

For one or both legs with external sensor (EMG/Act.) and automatic PLM detection and report as well as automatic correlation for both legs.


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