Caution: Investigational device. Limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use only.

  • The black points represent a normal blood pressure reading with a cuff - superimposed onto a 24h continuous blood pressure reading
    The black points represent a normal blood pressure reading with a cuff - superimposed onto a 24h continuous blood pressure reading

Validated by the European Society of Hypertention

The logo from the European Society of hypertension

“Validation according to ESH International Protocol of Somnotouch NIBP, a device for non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring”

Presented during the annual congress of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) in Athens 2014 by Prof. Dr. Gianfranco Parati and Dr. Grzegorz Bilo. Journal Blood Pressure Monitoring, 2015, 20:291-294


Until today, ambulatory 24-hour blood pressure measurement is carried out by means of a cuff device, which inflates and measures every 15 minutes during the day and every 30 minutes during the night. At night, however, the established cuff-based instruments have various weak points, since measuring errors caused by inflation of the cuff and resulting awakening reactions can lead to misdiagnosis. Due to the discontinuous measurement, blood pressure fluctuations and spikes can not be detected, especially during REM sleep. However, more accurate findings can be made with a continuous measurement of

the systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which accurately maps all the minima and maxima in the blood pressure curve.

The SOMNOtouch™ NIBP represents the latest generation of ambulatory blood pressure recording at SOMNOmedics. It measures blood pressure continuously, beat-to-beat, based on the pulse transit time (PTT), which is determined by a 3-lead ECG and the photoplethymogram from the finger clip. Our unique method is patented and clinically validated multiple times.


All in One: 1 measurement -
5 routine examinations

Systolic/diastolic Blood Pressure +
Holter ECG + Oximetry +
Actigraphy + PWV
(as a measure for arterial stiffness)

24h -Cuffless Blood Pressure

Ambulatory blood pressure measuring without any disturbance of sleep

Touch Screen Display

Allows PC independent set-up and signal/quality check

Small Compact Design

Credit card size foot print allowing unparalled comfort. ONLY 64g!

3 Channel ECG

Holter ECG possibility

Online Signal Check on Smartphone or Tablet

Sends a screenshot of the data to your phone or tablet PC


SOMNOtouch™ NIBP in practice

Continuous Blood Pressure Measurement with every heart beat

The course of nocturnal blood pressure has a high diagnostic value.
Continuous blood pressure determination without a cuff offers a multitude of advantages in nocturnal blood pressure measurements during sleep:

  • Continuous Measurement: Covers all maxima and minima in blood pressure history and shows all information about blood pressure during sleep. This allows more accurate findings about nocturnal blood pressure behavior and to determine dipping / non-dipping safely.
  • Safe Diagnosis: Continuous recording of blood pressure without measurement errors caused by inflation of the cuff. The patient is not disturbed by inflating the cuff (arousal reaction). Thus, there is no falsification of the measured values.
  • Thanks to the measurement without a cuff, which patients often find very unpleasant when inflating, the SOMNOtouch™ NIBP offers maximum comfort for the patients.
  • NBPF (Nocturnal Blood Pressure Fluctuations) after sleep disturbances (e.g. apnea, periodic leg movements) can be detected by the beat-to-beat blood pressure recording. These allow direct conclusions to the cardiovascular risk for the patient.
  • The hydrostatic effect during body position changes is minimized.

How does it work?

SOMNOmedics uses an innovative patented algorithm to measure blood pressure via the Pulse Transit Time (PTT). The PTT is the time required for the pulse wave to propagate along the vessel wall between two defined points. In the case of the SOMNOtouch NIBP – From the left ventricle of the heart (defined by the ´R´peak of the ECG) – to the finger tip (detected by the plethysmograph).

Taking a one point calibration at the beginning of the sleep study allows us to `set` the software‘s algorithm – and measure blood pressure continuously throughout the day and night. Because every single pulse wave is detected, a continuous “Beat-to-Beat”- recording and analysis is possible. Reduce artifacts and increase the number of reliable data points – all in a continuous, non-invasive and non-reactive way.

5 Simultaneous measurements in one device

In addition to the continuous, non-reactive long-term blood pressure measurement, further diagnostically relevant information are simultaneously recorded in one measurement:

  • Holter ECG (3 channel)
  • Oximetry
  • Actigraphy
  • Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) as a measure of arterial stiffness

Due to the parallel recording, the measurement results can be correlated directly with each other, which allows a deeper insight into the nocturnal blood pressure behavior.

Long-term ECG
3 channel ECG
The following reports are offered as standard.
• ECG report
• Stress report based on HRV
• Export to different file formats (EDF, SCP, ASCII, etc.)
However for advanced analysis we offer a Schiller software plugin for our Domino Software (optional)
ECG Holter analysis: analysis of arrhythmias and ST-distance measurement.
Online signal check at patient´s bedside

The built in Bluetooth module makes it possible to transfers the data in real time. You can do a signal check both, on the high resolution touch display of the SOMNOtouch™ , as well as having a screenshot of the recording data sent to your tablet PC or mobile phone via e-mail. Transfer times and -periods can be programmed individually.

Intelligent Connect

With the innovative Intelligent Connect Technology: Both AUX slots can be used for any sensor that fits, the devices automatically detects which sensor has been connected to it. Therefore patients can not confuse many of the sensors when they apply the device themselves; physicians on the other hand do not always have to pre-chose a montage.

Data analysis and report

Blood Pressure Report
  • Continuous 24 hour blood pressure profile´
  • Detection of Dipper / Non-Dipper
  • Detection of NBPF™ (Nocturnal Blood Pressure Fluctuations) as an indicator for cardic stress
  • Determination of the superposition effect of the Blood Pressure
  • Clear sleep/wake allocation by actigraphy
ECG Report
  • ECG Holter Analysis with Schiller Software Plug-in: Arrhythmia analysis and ST segment measurement (optional, sold separately)
  • Stress report based on HRV
 Oximetry Report
  • Display of the blood Oxygen saturation and the correlation between nocturnal SpO2 and nocturnal blood pressure
  • Detection of respiratory based changes of the blood pressure (optional)

Extra Sensors (optional)

  • 3 channel ECG with body position
  • SpO2 Flexi-Wrap
  • 1 EEG / 2 EOG Combi Sensor (for ambulatory sleep staging)
  • Flow / Pressure Sensor
  • 2 channel PLM
  • Analogue Optocoupler

These sensors allow a correlation of blood pressure values with other diagnostic parameters (e.g. desaturations (respiratory analysis) or PLMs).


Sample Report 24h Continuous Blood Pressure & ECG

Here is a sample report of a 24-hour measurement with the SOMNOtouch™ NIBP. The reports can be customized according to your wishes and requirements.

SOT NIBP_report_thumb_engl
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