Study on Apnea related to Nocturnal Blood Pressure Fluctuations (NBPFs)

A Study on Apnea related to Nocturnal Blood Pressure Fluctuations (NBPFs) – A new study in cooperation with Prof. Patzak, Charité, Berlin, was published in the journal “Sleep and Breathing”. By using the patented, continuous and non-reactive PTT method, novel patterns of Systolic Blood Pressure behaviour during apneac periods could be observed. It was shown that patients with severe OSAS (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome) have periods of nocturnal blood pressure fluctuations (NBPFs), which go along with increases of the Systolic Blood pressure baseline, called superposition of SBP. The rise of the SBP baseline in combination with increased amplitudes of NBPFs causes extremely high SBP, which implies a high risk for nocturnal cardiovascular events in OSA patients. SOMNOmedics devices were used in this study. 

The final publication is available at